The following is a simplified protocol developed to be used when taking Phage Complete (testimonials, benefits, ordering). This protocol will be less effective if not using Phage Complete.
This FAQ assumes that you have read The Gut Health Protocol and now have a good understanding of why this protocol works and what other supplements you should not be taking. Phage Complete (PC) changes what is needed for supplements as it does much of the work on its own. Because of this most people will end up taking fewer supplements, have far better results and most likely even save some money. The following will briefly cover those differences:
Chapter 1 – Kill Phase
First, and foremost, follow the instructions that came with your Phage Complete order and take your Phage Complete daily.
- Phage Complete – The recommendations on this page are meant to work with Phage Complete. The links above explain its benefits.
- Diet – A very low sugar diet is still recommended. No need for a highly carb restricted diet (though doing so is fine). Jump straight to the “Repair or Healing Phase” diet in Ch 1, Section 2 diet. Your gut is probably a mess, so avoiding grains, dairy and raw vegetables is still recommended, at least until you’ve completely healed. Well cooked, low starch vegetables are OK. Especially avoid lactose, fructose, and sugar alcohols as these often malabsorb and feed bad bacteria. If you have histamine intolerance, or think you might, you will need to be on a low histamine food diet. If you know you are currently sensitive to FODMAPs you will need to avoid those as well. For most people the diet does not need to be very complicated. If you think you have SIFO (intestinal yeast) it can still help to restrict carbohydrates. See This FAQ outlines how Phage Complete can help with SIFO. Low sugar Intermittent Fasting is the best overall diet for gut troubles (bacterial and fungal) and works very well with Phage Complete.
- Kill supplement – If you are just starting out, see the “Strategy” information at the end of Ch.1, Section 9. 100% Pure cinnamomum zeylanicum bark Cinnamon Oil is the most important kill supplement (do not take other kinds of cinnamon oil or powders. See the book for more information). Clove oil is a good 2nd choice. This helps selectively kill bacteria that Phage Complete does not and is also a biofilm disrupter. PC encourages the removal of all bad bacterial strains by improving the microbiome, strain competition, and bactericides released by beneficial bacteria. Though Phage Compete might be all you need, I recommend taking cinnamon oil anyway, it can help speed the process of re-balancing and restoring your microbiome. If you have not completed a kill phase recently take 2 drops of cinnamon oil / twice per day, at least two hours away from taking Phage Complete. After you have completed the kill phase take 1 drop / twice per day, 2 hours away from PC for two weeks. After two months (total) you can then drop cinnamon oil completely, switch to a maintenance dose, or if you like the flavor, 1 drop / day is fine. More than that and you risk interfering with your microbiome’s diversity. Cinnamon oil must be properly diluted when used internally, this FAQ provides instructions.
- Butyrate – I highly recommend a Tributyrin supplement (a form of butyrate that helps throughout the gut). It works very well with Phage Complete to help kill and out compete unwanted bacteria and helps to heal the colon. Many studies on this.
- Larch Tree Arabinogalactan Fiber and/or a Medicinal Mushroom powder – High Recommended. Take per the protocol. This helps (selectively) feed good bacteria and hinders many bad strains (see Chapter 2 in the book). (The Larch tree fiber is also available directly from Swanson). If I had to pick one it would be the mushroom powder, it both selectively feeds good bacteria and helps the immune system.
- Sleep & Exercise – Get plenty of sleep and a little exercise. This can help with die off symptoms too. Do not underestimate the power of both sleep and exercise for healing! Simple walks are all that is needed, do what you can and work up slowly.
- Do not forget to take your Phage Complete daily. It can truly help your gut as much as anything listed above. The thousands of customers and the testimonials above attest to how well it works!
Phage Complete, Cinnamon Oil and Tributyrin are all now available on the order page (all three available with US domestic and international shipping). The three of these would be an excellent start to fixing your dysbiosis. You can add a fiber and/or the mushroom powder a little later if you wish.
Optional (but often helpful):
- Fermented Foods – Do not consume any fermented foods the first week you are on Phage Complete, then introduce them slowly. PC will amplify the beneficial bacteria, and fermented foods already contain a lot. After the first week, one 4 ounce serving per day is enough; consuming more isn’t dangerous, but can cause an over abundance of CO2 gas, thus bloating and perhaps loose stools. If you continue to experience gas you should try stopping all fermented foods again to see if that helps. Phage Complete contains a good balance of probiotic bacteria, all of which help the gut in various ways. Also, avoid commercial yogurt due to both histamine and d-lactate producing bacteria strains. The L.acidophilus in yogurt can also interfere with bile acid. Yogurt is the cause of some symptoms for many people without them even knowing. Dairy kefir is OK in small amounts as it has a very large variety of strains; but it is also high in histamine. If you think you have histamine intolerance you need to avoid all fermented foods. If you have histamine intolerance you should avoid fermented foods until you get better.
- Biofilm disrupter – Optional. An enzyme based biofilm disrupter is still a good idea. But you do not need to take it for more than a month. The body will eventually get rid of biofilms on its own, but an enzyme biofilm disrupter will speed up that process and help with nutritional absorption. Cinnamon oil and probiotics (e.g. Phage Complete) also work to remove biofilms and your body is constantly at work removing them and would eventually do it on its own (however, getting rid of the biofilm sooner can help with healing). These are the ones I would recommend; Interfase , or Interfase Plus with Serralase (a very good combination but expensive).
- Lactoferrin – Optional. Due to its anti-viral qualities, Lactoferrin can interfere with bacteriophages. If you do take it do so 6-12 hours away from Phage Complete. Lactoferrin can be useful for stubborn cases as it binds to iron, preventing bad bacteria from utilizing it (while allowing you to utilize it). Lactoferrin is found in the colostrum and helps babies stay well. This can be a good supplement to add if nothing else seems to working. The one that I’ve used is Jarrow Formulas 250mg.
- Betaine HCl / Digestive Enzymes – Optional. Use as needed, per The Gut Health Protocol. Not everyone needs this. As your gut heals you’ll probably need it less.
- N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – Optional. Useful if you are on antibiotics. Can also help the liver deal with the negative consequences of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) producing bad bacteria. Can help with killing bad bacteria and preventing biofilm production. Again, most likely optional but can be useful for some people.
- Colostrum – Optional. Excellent for helping to heal the lining of the gut, also improves the immune system. If you use this purchase a good liposomal colostrum. Wait to take this until after the kill phase to get the most for your money. Once any infection is gone the body can heal itself without it. Naturally contains a little lactoferrin, so take 6-12 hours away from Phage Complete.
- Zinc Carnosine – Optional during the kill phase. See next section.
- Milk Thistle – Optional. Can really help with detox symptoms. Try to take it the first 3-4 weeks after adding PC or starting any kill phase. Taking longer is fine. Some people with histamine intolerance (MCAD/MCAS) have reported histamine reactions with some brands / batches of powdered Milk Thistle (this is the same for many dried herbs).
- Parasite Kill Supplements – Optional. Use only as needed, per The Gut Health Protocol. Take at least 2 hours away from Phage Complete
Chapter 2 – Maintenance
Continue to take your Phage Complete daily per the “For Best Results” sheet that came with your order. See the Strategy section at the end of Chapter 2 in the book for more information.
- Fermented foods – Optional. Again, limit to 4 ounces per day while on PC. If it bothers you, stop consuming it.
- Medicinal Mushroom powder – excellent for improving the immune system and selectively feeding beneficial bacteria. The one that I use is called “Sacred 7” and is available on Amazon.
- Fiber – take per book instructions. Eating good, well cooked vegetables is the best way to obtain soluble fiber. This should be a staple in your diet for the rest of your life. Some people may still have issues with FODMAP fibers, Larch Tree or PHGG fibers avoid this issue and are better at selectively feeding good bacteria. The medicinal mushroom powder above also works very well for feeding good bacteria; combine with Larch Tree fiber for maximum benefits.
- Butyrate – Excellent for helping to heal the colon, and also helps the small intestine. Take if you can afford it. Otherwise Phage Complete encourages the reestablishment of your natural microbiome. As such, within weeks of starting PC you’ll be making your own butyrate by consuming foods high in soluble fiber. Again, a Tributyrin supplement is the best form to take (and you need fewer of them for the same benefit)
- Sleep – Do not underestimate the healing powers of sleep! This is when the body heals. Try not to eat at least 4 hours before bed and try to avoid over eating. You don’t want food in your stomach or small intestine when you lay down to sleep.
- Diet – See the “Repair and Healing Phage” section of The Gut Health Diet in Chapter 1. The important point here is to avoid most sugar; especially avoid lactose, fructose, and sugar alcohols. Avoiding wheat can help anyone heal from leaky gut, even if you feel you tolerate it.
- Zinc Carnosine – The studies are pretty clear on zinc carnosine, it is a very valuable supplement for treating gut permeability (leaky gut) and for healing the intestinal wall. You shouldn’t use just any zinc, Zinc Carnosine is the one that has many research studies showing that it helps the gut far more than other forms of zinc. If you have histamine intolerance zinc carnosine may trigger histamine to be liberated from mast cells (this does not effect everyone with HIT), Zinc Orotate or Zinc Picolinate can be taken instead.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Could you finish your sentence above, Chapter 1, #15. What have people with histamine intolerance reported?
Milk Thistle – Recommended. Can really help with detox symptoms. Try to take it the first 3-4 weeks after adding PC or starting any kill phase. Taking longer is fine. Some people with histamine intolerance (MCAD/MCAS) have reported
Craig, sorry about that. I’ve made the correction. Here is how it should have read:
Hi John. If one cannot take milk thistle are there any other products for us sensitve to mill thistle that can be recommended?
Dandelion root and schizandra can also help. Because the object here is to assist with detoxifying toxins produced by dying bad bacteria, especially lipopolysaccharides (LPS), the following FAQ for Phage Complete and video on die-off can be helpful.
I’m looking forward to starting the Phage Complete Protocol Inclusion. I’m a little confused about one thing though. You say “Well cooked vegetables are fine after the first week.” (Chapter 1, Section 2.) Do you mean after the first week of taking Phage Complete? Also, cooked veggies are a main part of my diet and carb intake so I’m worried that without them my blood sugar would drop too low.
If you have to regulate your blood sugar through diet continue to do so. However, try to avoid sugar if possible, and especially avoid sugars that can more easily malabsorb, such as lactose and fructose. Cooked vegetables are the the least problematic.
Hi John- how is Ch 6 – SIFO – adjusted for the Phage complete if at all? Thanks!
If you are taking lactoferrin it should be taken 4-12 hours away from Phage Complete. No other changes needed.
Phage Complete will help by building up the bacterial microbiome, this is the natural enemy of intestinal yeast (thus why intestinal yeast infections are common after antibiotics).
I ordered a copy of The Gut Health Protocol and am waiting for it to arrive. My Phage Complete arrived yesterday so I just started it. I am reading ahead online and wanted to ask about Lactoferrin for people with dairy allergies. A blood test showed both IgE (score 0.14) and IgG for dairy. Several other IgE foods and many, many more IgG foods.
Milk definitely causes problems for me, and anything with casein. I am not sure about whey supplements, but am pretty sure they are problematic for me too. Any chance that Lactoferrin would not cause problems for me, or should I stay away from it? I’m willing to try it if the benefits might outweigh the negatives.
You have a great website. Thank you for providing so much good info.
I would love to know about lactoferrin too. My son has HIT reaction to d-lactate probiotic strains, fermented food..seems sensitive to lactoferrin too.
I would like to know how long to take Phage Complete daily? Do you take it forever or is it a month or two?
This greatly depends on the person, what bacteria inhabits their gut, biofilms, and how embedded they are. Normally people should take it for about 6 months to get things under control; but they should pay very close attention to symptoms and start taking it again if symptoms return. However, Phage Complete greatly helps to keep the microbiome healthy and strong. It helps build up beneficial bacteria throughout the intestines, not just the first couple of feet like most probiotics. I’ve been taking Phage Complete (or the individual ingredients) since 2016 and plan to take it for life. Humans simply do not eat or live like our ancestors did, our guts need help and that is what Phage Complete provides.