Phage Complete Testimonials
The following testimonials for Phage Complete are a small sampling of what has been received. No one received any compensation for their review. You can click here to order a bottle for yourself, and join these happy people, or click here to learn more.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
Testimonials and product reviews are provided for informational purposes only. They solely reflect the views and opinions expressed of the contributors and not those of The Gut Health Protocol LLC. We do not verify or endorse any claims made in the testimonials. |

Donna Stiles
BC Canada

Marianne A.
California, US

Erna Kristin
Thank you so much for your speedy delivery off Phage Complete. It is helping so much, so fast. I had an infection in my eyes, that it’s just helping bringing under control. My gut is calm again and healing. All the best to you.

Kyria Amtsfeld
Berlin, Germany
My stools are almost perfect... stool is also formed and I was able to withdraw from one of my antidepressants. I also am able to exercise now and have much more energy... my concentration has become much better and am also much more interested! Phage complete was an important piece of the puzzle in my healing journey... I healed my chronic diarrhea that went on for hours in the morning and if I did have a histamine reaction for an entire night. It was also the very first probiotic I tolerated and believed me I spend thousands on probiotics alone, yet did not tolerate a single one.
You can quote me with my full name and all!

Kay D.
Falls City, OR
Phage Complete has been a great addition to my SIBO treatment plan. I am now in the healing phase and have continued to take it because I have made such excellent progress.

Kerri Anderson
Minneapolis, MN
Really hoping things continue in a positive direction and will report back. We are grateful to John Herron and Sally Daniels Herron for support. You are totally on to something John and we are grateful you are sharing all that you have learned. We love Phage Complete.

Madeline Bishop
Retired - Olympia, WA
I’m now free to leave the house, thanks John!
I’ve had over 20 years of IBS-D with urgency and anxiety, bloating, occasional GERD. Many food intolerances. John is the real deal. My life has improved a great deal. After the kill phase, following the diet, including the fibers and taking Phage Complete are vital to healing.

Bridget White
Leicester, UK
Third day on phage complete. Been having three a day! No bad side effects, starting to get very good stools (normally constipated and not at the moment)... so far very pleased with the results.

Ali Barton
Heart Transplant Survivor
John, you are a genius. I feel AWESOME on phage complete. I’m 5 days in... 1 a day is working great! Normal stools (which never happens) no bloating, and great energy!
1 year later Update: “Yes!! I still stand by my testimonial. This stuff is awesome!”

Nathan H.
Davis, CA
I've been using Phage Complete to great success along with the steps outlined in your book. You've been a lifesaver and I appreciate how kind hearted you are. I used to not be able to handle any prebiotic fibers without a laundry list of side effects. After doing the kill phase and slowly re-introducing them one by one along with taking Phage Complete I was able to fix the issues.

Tamra M.
Bluffdale, UT
It's by far the best probiotic my daughter and I have ever tried. We are so grateful for it ???? We have only experienced positive effects from it.

Matt V.
Abilene, Texas
My gut has been out of whack for a long time... I'm almost done with my first bottle of this stuff and I have had great improvement, in fact I would say I am the best that I have been in years. So I would definitely recommend.

Edina Molnar
Sumas, WA
I love phage complete I'm on the 4th bottle it's been a godsend!!! I truly believe in the phage complete and I'm so thankful to you.

Ruth P.
Edmonton, Canada
I have been on Phage Complete for 2 months now it has been great. My energy has improved, I have experienced weight loss, for the first time in 20 years I have lost my distention.

Erin K.
Halifax, Canada
Phage Complete made my bowels start to work within 24hrs. My BMs now seem almost normal. My HIT symptoms have decreased significantly and I can tolerate way more foods. Less bloating, less burping, and an almost immediate transition from constipation to daily regular BMs. An amazing help for me!
I really have to thank you for all of the help your book and PC brought me, I don’t think I would have been feeling as good as I do without it. And of course continuing PC as long as you have it on the market
10/20/2018 Update:
I haven’t been on here in forever because as things have been improving for me I’ve wanted to focus on all aspects of my health, which includes technology avoidance! But I’m feeling so much better now that I wanted to share my story to give others hope that it can get better. A year and a half ago things were progressively deteriorating for me, I was down to 20 foods at most due to HIT and still so unwell I thought I would have to leave my job and go on disability... 10 months ago I started a to address my gut using a plan based on the GHP along with rixamin, and i’m now happy to say that I am really starting to feel great. My bowel habit is finally normal (only took 9 months, haha!). My diet has expanded to include everything but fermented foods, aged cheeses/meats and fish without any adverse effects. I hope in time I may even be able to eat those as well. At my worst times I didn’t know how I’d make it through, and this group was one of the lifelines that gave me support, ideas and helped me to stay sane. So if you’re struggling and feeling like you will never feel like your old self again, just know that it’s possible and don’t ever give up hope! Thanks for all of your help and support everyone! And a big thanks to John Herron for the work that he’s done here, without it I don’t know if I would have healed this well and this quickly.

Rachel Stanley
Bolton, CT
I think I'm on my 7th bottle!! I never want to not take it!!! ???? love this product so much! I still take the Phage complete every single day, my gut is feeling soooo much better!

George Croft
Hove, England
I also tried many other allegedly histamine friendly (Probiotics) but Phage Complete I've found for me to be the best... Just want to say, I'm in the UK This is my second order of Phage Complete & it's arrived within 10 days of order!
I'm super happy on it & think it's value for money.
Even more testimonials!
Gretchen C.
Texas, US
April A.
Gale H.
California, US
Adrian S.
Hubert O.
I have been taking DE111 for 3 years now. I have found that this strain of probiotic has eliminated all constipation, stomach ache, etc. It does metabolize food exceptionally and creates a relaxed feeling of good health.
Penny M.
California, US
Monique K.
Florida, US

Kirstie L.

Margie G.
"Phage Complete game changing probiotic for me."
Sarah P.
US, Arizona
Phage complete seriously helped me! I was riddled with tons of really really bad pathogens and phage complete really helped clear it all up!
Suzanne B.
Alamo, CA
Take The Gut Health Protocols own probiotic - Phage Complete. It's amazing. I've tried loads and it's the only one that I can tolerate.
Kary I.
"Phage complete changed my life! I have a unique situation where I was exposed to nasty toxins from office furniture that literally bottomed out my good bacteria making me histamine intolerance and giving me crazy other symptoms. After spending 75k and getting hardly anywhere, phage complete is the best probiotic I have ever taken."
Alice K.
Charlotte, NC
Phage complete is best thing that ever happened to my gut health.
Linda T.
California, US
"Using the kill protocol and Phage Complete has my stools be more normal and no diarrhea"
Kristy S.
Urbana, IL
What has helped me over time is definitely the Phage Complete, plus supplements to treat SIBO, candida etc ( things like berberine, pau d'arco , olive leaf etc.), and diet.
Jen W.
Ines I.

Patty D.
Illinois, US
I take it! It has done so much for me. I don’t have a stomach ache anymore. I don’t need to run to the bathroom! My stools are normal! However, I ran out before ordering more so I need to put my order In!
Sherry C.
Oakdale, CA
"I have dysbiosis too and strongly recommend you buy John’s book “The Gut Health Protocol”, you can order it from Amazon. This Facebook group is run by John Herron who wrote the book. He also created a probiotic called Phage Complete. His protocol for healing is the only thing that has helped me after years of gut issues. I also find that using his probiotic Phage Complete really simplifies the protocol and does allow you to eat a little more carbs while still healing. I highly recommend the book and the probiotic."
John K.
The Phage Complete that I bought from your web page which I took for one month cured my histamine intolerance to food and helped healed my gut to where I no longer bloat, have diarrhea or constipation... Three months I am still taking the PC and will be on it for life as I know it will keep my gut healthy. Thank you for your help; your self help TGHP book, webpage, Facebook, and PC which are helping so many people!
Jacqueline C.
South Carolina, US
My teen is exactly one week in Phage Complete 1x a day and the change in her mood is amazing in that short time.
Shauna B.
Gloucester, Massachusetts
It has made the most difference for me of all of the things I have taken.
Annette K.
Boise, Idaho
It is literally the only supplement that actually helps me.
Pamela D.
Chula Vista, CA
Finally did an OAT (Organic Acid Test). It was leaky gut and fungus. I tested negative for Candida. I purchased John Herron book and follows it step by step. I was also diagnosed with Burning Mouth Syndrome. A permanent condition. After following the Gut Health Protocol and taking Phage Complete, I have zero symptoms. No more dry mouth, yellow tongue, burning mouth syndrome and know more brain fog. I still continue to take Phage Complete
John K.
Virginia Beach, VA
I use Phage Complete and currently feel that it has benefited my microbiome. I have less bloating, no more constipation and diarrhea, I can eat normally now after taking it for one month.
12/2020 Update - I started to take Phage Complete Probiotics that is on John Herron's website. After a month of taking it, I no longer have constipation and diarrhea and could eat most foods.
Jen W.
"you have to go EXTRA HARD at them i am taking 4 phage complete capsules per day -- it is combatting them and killing them in such a way that finally, after YEARS of suffering... this is the ONLY thing that has made a lasting impact if i go off this 4 per day dose, my symptoms return in 2 days so i will continue at this high dose for more weeks (began a short while ago)....and then eventually knock down the dosage to a lower level but for now, phage complete has given me relief that i never thought i'd have"
Jenna L.
I have been taking it for two years now and it has been an absolute godsend. It is no exaggeration to say it has changed my life. Learning what I did from the book, applying it, and then sticking with one phage complete each night, I have been SIBO free for two years.
Kary B.
Alberta, Canada
Jen W.
I just ordered my second bottle of Phage Complete....I am taking 4 per day and having no die-off symptoms, and for the first time in....about 2 years since it got REALLY bad....I've had two good days in a row, without taking extreme measures!!!!
4 Phage Complete....WOW!!!!! I AM FUNCTIONAL AGAIN!!!
Thank you, John, thank you SO much for developing it.
Leon P.
Bev C.
Kristy S.
"I just wanted to give a testimony about Phage Complete , I absolutely love it and have used it consistently for a long time now.. I was so so relieved when it came out, because before this I kept trying to find single strains that I could tolerate with having histamine problems and reacting badly to most probiotics.. then , just like many had said, I couldn't believe how fast I noticed results... I think within hours.. and then definitely in the following days more and more.. after having so many digestive problems and so much gas and bloating, to the point of looking almost 9 months pregnant, for years, this immediately started to those phages! Then after taking for even a few days, I was noticing immediate Improvement in my bowel addition, it seems to help with other digestive issues like reflux, and even with some candida has been such a help and I recommend it to people in need often, explaining to them that it is definitely nothing like any probiotic they have taken...thank you again so much John Herron for making this!"
Pamela M.
Doreen H.
I will never be without this. Changed my life!! It settled my bowel down. I had such GI issues and this little phage cured me!
I LOVE your product, I will use it for the rest of my life. I can’t pinpoint it, but I just feel more clear since I’ve started taking this. Clear minded and just overall better health.
Ellen B.
Portland, OR
"A gastroenterologist told me I would probably "never" be able to fix the dysfunction that followed 6 months of antibiotic therapy to kill a superbug (of course a lifetime of antibiotic treatments had done plenty of damage before that). I was fortunate to find The Gut Health Protocol. And then my healing took a marked turn for the better when I added Phage Complete to my regimen. Thanks especially for the extensive research and hard work it took to create the book and Phage Complete, and then bring them to market."
Gail P.
WOW!!! I started taking the Phage Complete Friday evening. I'm here to tell you it has already made a difference! For the first time since May I FINALLY had a normal BM! Friday, Saturday and today I started the gut protocol. I am going to continue following each phase! It can only get better from here! Just want to say thank you John Herron!!
Alice K.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Fantastic product. Thank you John. I started taking PC in April and it has changed my life. Gut is much much better.
Holli V.
I promised myself I'd come back and post my experience with Phage Complete after several months trial. I have Lyme disease with babs and bart. I also think i had some self diagnosed fluoroquinolone toxicity that began in early 2017.
To my surprise, Phage Complete completely cleared the peripheral neuropathy i had after the fluoroquinolone abx! It took about 3 month of consistent use at 2 capsules a day. I had mild gi issuers since i had been on abx for two years to treat Lyme. PC definitely improved a layer of pour digestion
Elly S.
Just opened my 3rd. bottle. The first probiotic I could tolerate. The feeling of food ‘camping’ in my stomach is gone. Less bloating as well. Am taking 2 a day on empty stomach.
Later Update: My 8th bottle since September 2017. I’m no longer dying a slow death… The gastritis doesn’t bother me too much anymore ???? Yes, I’ll be ordering a new batch soon.
Denise M.
Andover, MN
I have seen a lot of improvement in my gut since starting PC. I am about to place my 4th order. I have told many about the product, I think a friend or two might be convinced soon.
Shauna B.
Shauna Francis Boland I’ve been taking it since June. It’s the one thing that has helped me turn a corner with food intolerances. I am SO grateful!
Debbie F.
Kailua-Kona, HI
Thank you for this, John.......... And thank you for recommending the Phage Complete probiotic... After 5 days I am already starting to feel better, this is the first probiotic I have been able to ever take, and I've tried a bunch!
Zoe S.
Greenway, Australia
I have been taking it for almost two weeks and bloating, pain and gas are gone! Feeling great!
John Plant
Cabarlah, Australia
I saw that John Herron was releasing Phage Complete. I thought, what have I to lose? So I purchased it after trying many cheap, crap herbs on the market. Yesterday was my first tablet of Phage. After I took the Phage about two hours later I got a little light headed, my sinuses hurt etc. Nothing compared to what the last 12 months has been. But that was it, nothing bad. Around the four hour mark I looked in the mirror and to my amazement my eyes were crystal clear, I could once again breath through my nose (haven't been able to do that for a long time) My right eye no longer hurt either. This morning I woke up, had breakfast and had another Phage. Today I have had three perfect BMs, no pain, a shed load more energy, almost as if I was never sick before. My sinuses feel clear. I can only put this down to Phage. I don't know what it is, but after all those Antibiotics and HP my body felt like it had nothing left. I have tried so many Probiotics over the last 12 months, nothing worked like this. I am a very sensitive person when it comes to herbs, they seem to effect me more than most, but I can stand by the Phage Complete and urge anyone struggling with their gut health to give this a go. I have given some of my second bottle to friends to try as well. Thank you John Herron, you have made a fantastic product. More updates to come as time goes on.
Justin D.
Manchester, NH
Much less painful bloating after foods, no more constipation, no more joint pain, increased energy levels, less reflux... for a probiotic it did pretty damn good probably comparably to when I was taking close to 2 trillion CFU per day of visbiome which was costing me almost $200 a month, this is $40 a month Im very happy.
Anna F.
Goodlettsville, TN
Ordered two more bottles! everyone in my family loves this product and can see positive changes after only a week on it.
Becky L.
Chicago, IL
Improved stool consistency, less urgency. Better mood, energy. I have started with one pill a day for about a week. I wish you well with it.
Newsha M.
Phage Complete update: I don't have SIBO, but do have SIFO and dysbiosis. My stool test showed low levels of bifido and some other good bacteria, below-range butyrate, and high E coli. I've been struggling with on-and-off chronic fatigue for a couple of years. I'm in the kill phase and all the die off had made fatigue worse. I got a big improvement in energy after just one day of Phage. None of the other probiotics I had been taking had helped my fatigue.
Rachel A.
It is the only thing that keeps brain fog away for me. I tried to reduce (since I think the die-off is contributing to my hair loss) but felt distinctly worse. After just a day and a half of taking it 2x a day again, I already feel better! (I have suspected SIBO-C, not officially diagnosed.) John Herron, I just want to thank you so much for the Phage Complete.
Francesca J.
Hi John, just wanted to give you a bit of an update and just ask a question about the protocol. In good news – I have been doing the protocol now for 5 weeks… I have been feeling a whole lot better – wasn’t expecting to feel a difference for a little while! Energy has improved, gut symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, bloating, cramping) have improved… thrush has come back negative after being very persistent yay! BMs are HUGELY improved, and just feel like I am getting more from my food. Thanks so much for all your help and for this protocol – this is the biggest difference I have ever seen in my gut symptoms and it has given me a lot of hope and optimism about getting back to “normal”!
Update (9/13/17) = Also saw Dr. Paul %%%%% last week – leading gastroenterologist in gut healing. He basically said that your protocol was working well for me (which I knew already!) and that he wouldn’t change a thing, just stick with the phage complete, cinnamon oil, lactoferrin and s. boulardi for another month, and keep upping the fiber and probiotics… (he) agreed with me and you that adding in a broad spectrum antimicrobials like usnea was not a good idea and would damage the microbiome… Has been 2 months now and I am feeling unrecognizably better!!
Milos C.
After 3 years of suffer, lost kilograms, palpitations, anxiety and constant fatigue. Sun is getting step by step out of Fog.
Annette K.
Thank you, John Herron! I have been battling SIBO for 5 1/2 years. I have tried every option out there multiple times and the only thing that has helped is Phage Complete! I am still in disbelief that I’m not bloated anymore! I’m hoping it sticks because after all this time it feels too good to be true! I literally have tears come to my eyes when I eat because I can’t believe I can eat and not look 6 months pregnant! I’m so grateful!
Update 8/25/2017: Thank you! I appreciate your help. I can’t believe how much PC has helped. I feel like I’m getting my life back! Obviously still some gut healling to do, but I think I’m finally on the right track. I owe this to you!
Update 3/28/2018 - “Phage Complete is a lifesaver!!!”
Ng T.
Hi john, thank you so much for writing the gut health protocol and developing phage complete. It has helped alleviate my symptoms tremendously
Ji K.
I had lifelong severe C (constipation), resulting in debilitating CFS/ME. The GHP plus phage complete has COMPLETELY resolved that. My mother was the same and is also doing well on the product. Just an n=2 anecdote, but it did clearly work for us.
Update: Phage Complete helped my motility more than the fibers did. I lacked motility my entire life. But after 50 years of problems my digestion is now normalized. I'm still taking the fibers to help continue the shifting of my microbial composition in a healthier direction.
Rachel S.
I will tell you that my Bm’s have become fantastic since starting all of this which is great news!… Thank you so much John!!!
Carly P.
Bloating disappeared and I’ve felt so much improvement since taking it!!!
Sean D.
I’ve been taking Phage complete for almost a month now and it’s great, definitely “feel” like I have more energy and also feel like my digestion has improved too.
Zoe S.
I have been taking it for almost two weeks and bloating, pain and gas are gone! Feeling great!
Catherine S.
I am doing very well taking this probiotic, often I have some adverse reaction but not with your product. I am very grateful to you and I will order at least 2 more bottles… Bless you for your dedication and commitment to all of us with various G.I. Issues.
Matt K.
I’m on my 4th week and can tell a huge difference. I am able to tolerate foods that I couldn’t tolerate that well in the past and having regular bowls everyday which is not normal for me. I have had more evergy, slept better and just feel good. I hope it continues in this direction. I can’t thank John Herron enough for this product. So far I give it 2 thumbs up.
John P.
This morning I woke up, had breakfast and had another Phage. Today I have had three perfect BMs, no pain, a shed load more energy, almost as if I was never sick before. My sinuses feel clear. I can only put this down to Phage. I don’t know what it is, but after all those Antibiotics and HP my body felt like it had nothing left. I have tried so many Probiotics over the last 12 months, nothing worked like this. I am a very sensitive person when it comes to herbs, they seem to effect me more than most, but I can stand by the Phage Complete and urge anyone struggling with their gut health to give this a go. I have given some of my second bottle to friends to try as well.
Thank you John Herron, you have made a fantastic product. More updates to come as time goes on.
Shawn T.
I am on week 3 of Phage Complete and have noticed so many benefits(since day 1). Pain and nausea are gone. Anxiety is GONE. My hard core sugar cravings are gone. Skin conditions have been showing signs of improvement. I am much more calm and focused. My stool has gotten way better. Night sweats(I believe to be hormone imbalance) are gone. Smelly gas is gone. I hope this feeling of wellness continues as I continue to take it and hopefully heal my gut. This supplement has been such a blessing. Thank you so much John Herron…I was giving up hope, but this has tremendously helped me both physically, and mentally.
Shawn T. – Addendum: 7/20/2017 – The product phage complete was developed by the author after the book came out. I started using it a month ago and all symptoms (even ones I didn’t notice much) are gone and stool is back to normal. There are some foods to avoid while on phage complete that you can see on the FAQ part of the website for it.
Justin D.
much less painful bloating after foods, no more constipation, no more joint pain, increased energy levels, less reflux. For a probiotic it did pretty damn good probably comparably to when I was taking close to 2 trillion CFU per day of visbiome which was costing me almost $200 a month, this is $40 a month Im very happy.
David B.
I would like to say I have been taking phage for nearly 2 weeks AND IT IS THE ONLY PROBIOTIC THAT I CAN TAKE! A big chur bro from this Kiwi John Herron If I lived closer I would shout you a beer and shake your hand for making such a wonderful product, at long last I have a probiotic that doesn’t give me a major sibo set back! ???? ???? ????
Stephanie V.
It is helping me and I have high Methane. My stomach hasn’t been hurting me as bad. I just ordered my 2nd bottle.
Adam J.
I just ordered another bottle. This is the FIRST probiotic that I can take. Phages is the FIRST probiotic that actually helps me, and it is the FIRST probiotic that I have taken that does not make me feel worse. Thank you John Herron!!!
7/17/17 Update: Morning all ???? I have been having amazing results with Phages probiotics. In fact, they are the first probiotics that have not made me feel worse, and are actually helping the bloating and sorry if TMI…making almost normal, perfect BMs (cannot remember the last time it was this ‘normal’).
Anna F.
Ordered two more bottles! everyone in my family loves this product and can see positive changes after only a week on it.
William B.
Phage Complete has made a noticeable improvement in my quality of life (QOL) in just over 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I did experience pretty significant die off while taking 2 capsules per day that felt quite similar to doing bowel prep before a colonoscopy. It was not painful just unpleasant due to frequency/urgency of it all, especially the night before and morning of airline travel. Thankfully, the bloating and urgency to use the bathroom slowly subsided over the next couple of days as I took just one capsule instead of two. Once I felt totally comfortable again (~4 days or so), I bumped it back up to 2 capsules and have stayed there since. While keeping everything else the same (i.e. I tried to run it like an experiment by not adding/subtracting anything else), some things I’ve noticed would be an improvement in the eczema on my hands that is almost gone, the smoldering inflammation around the site of bowel re-section has decreased significantly, some food sensitivities have decreased, and I have much, more energy. Definitely excited to see what else the coming weeks and months on Phage Complete have in store for me!
William B. – Addendum on 7/19: “ I’m very encouraged already and it’s only been slightly less than a month! #amazing
I have taken 2 doses of it and so far I feel so hopeful! Both days I had perfect bathroom visits (sorry I know TMI but it is something to celebrate here). Think I am going to increase to two doses per day starting tomorrow. Thank you John Herron!!!
Cyrus S.
Between Phage Complete and goat colostrum I’m feeling as good as any time in the last 15 years.
Nesha M.
Helps my fatigue
I don’t have SIBO, but do have SIFO and dysbiosis. My stool test showed low levels of bifido and some other good bacteria, below-range butyrate, and high E coli. I’ve been struggling with on-and-off chronic fatigue for a couple of years. I’m in the kill phase and all the die off had made fatigue worse. I got a big improvement in energy after just one day of Phage. None of the other probiotics I had been taking had helped my fatigue.
Becky L.
Improved stool consistency, less urgency. Better mood, energy. I have started with one pill a day for about a week. I wish you well with it.
I give it (Phage Complete) to my 19 month old baby. She does just fine on it! In fact her eczema and bowel movements have greatly improved in the 17 days she’s taken it.
Phage Complete probiotic update. My 19 month old baby is on day 17 of the supplement. She (normally) suffers from severe food allergies and has a skin condition called eczema which is said to be caused by leaky gut and “leaky” skin, which is why we are exploring the gut – skin connection. She had a small die off reaction around day 3 or so where her skin flared up in her typical eczema spots for a day or two, but since then her eczema has almost completely disapeared and her skin is so soft! We are doing other things to treat her skin of course, but Phage Complete was the only new thing we added. She is still reactive to foods, but she’s not having any new flare ups! Her poop is also healthy looking. I think we found a winner here. Thank you for developing this probiotic John Herron!
Mila C.
I haven't felt this well in my gut in quite some time! I still have a ways to go to be healed but am so happy where I am now, in less than a month and a half! I can't wait to start your protocol but if it's as amazing as your Phage Complete, I will be in debt to you for years to come.
Thank you for this amazing product and your dedication to gut health. You are so very much appreciated! ????
Lisa T.
3 ½ year battle
Join those that have had great success with Phage Complete by ordering a bottle for yourself.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
Testimonials and product reviews are provided for informational purposes only. They solely reflect the views and opinions expressed of the contributors and not those of The Gut Health Protocol LLC. We do not verify or endorse any claims made in the testimonials. |
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.