Phage Complete
Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Phage Compete can be taken during all stages of The Gut Health Protocol (just like fermented foods and SBOs).
You should take Phage Complete at least two hours away from strong kill supplements or antibiotics and at least 6 hours away from Lactoferrin. Do not take antiseptic like products (e.g. nano silver and grapefruit seed extract) with Phage Complete as they will kill both the probiotics and phages. Despite what the manufacturers may say, these products destroy the microbiome. Chapter 3 in The Gut Health Protocol discusses this and includes excepts from research studies.
If you have bad histamine intolerance please see the FAQ on that topic. Phage Complete does not contain histamine, but dying unwanted bacteria can cause it to be released, this is temporary.
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All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
The strains in Phage Complete are very acid tolerant. They have been shown to be very tolerant to the harsh conditions of the stomach. The powder can be mixed in food or drink and consumed that way. Just do not microwave the powder or cook it. If added to hot food just make sure the temperature of the food is below 140°F (60°C).
You can also consume just half a capsule of powder if you wish. This may be handy during the first week if you are still experiencing die off symptoms from 1 capsule.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
At some point all phages were extracted from the environment. But once isolated they have sense been cultured. Now the phages used in Phage Complete are grown in a sterile lab environment. The company I use to bottle the ingredients purchases all of the ingredients from well respected suppliers. Everything used in this product, at each step of the way, must be cGMP certified, FDA and independently inspected. I’m the formulator of the overall product, I never actually touch the capsules or the raw ingredients.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Are you feeling achy, have a headache, maybe some flu-like symptoms after starting Phage Complete?
Congratulations! Most likely you are suffering from a “Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction” (or Herxheimer Reaction, or Herx for short), also known as “die off”. This is caused by gram-negative, endotoxin (LPS usually) releasing, bacteria dying! This is a well known condition in medicine, and can also be seen after antibiotics. For very severe diseases (e.g. sepsis) a Herxheimer Reaction can be dangerous, for chronic gut issues, with bacteria dying at a moderate pace, it is not. This type of bacteria has to die in order for you to feel better and balance your microbiome.
Symptoms (usually mild) can include:
- Body aches
- Muscle pain
- Head ache
- Migraine (if prone)
- Nausea
- Flu like symptoms
- Low grade fever
- Thirst
- Bloating
- Diarrhea
- Constipation ⇒
- Body itch
- Hair loss
- Worsening of existing anxiety and/or depression
These symptoms are temporary, and generally dissipate in 2-4 days. If you had a lot of bad bacteria (now dead bacteria!) you may continue to feel a bit achy for a week, but you will most likely improvements after 2-4 days.
Bacteria, of course, die all the time, but at slower rates. LPS producing bacteria can make you feel a little bad day to day (e.g. brain fog); when they die in mass, you feel a lot worse. It sort of overwhelms your body’s ability to quickly detox them. The problem is everyone is different in the amount of toxins produced and their ability to detoxify them. So there is no one phage/probiotic dosage that works best for everyone.
Because you still need to “do life”, and not just lie in bed all day, you’ll need to adjust your dosage. You don’t want to just get through this, you want to control the die-off as to only experience low to low/moderate levels. If you were taking 2 capsules per day, take 1 capsule for a week instead, then try 2 after that (remember, it isn’t the probiotic making you ill, it is the dying bacteria. Once most of the LPS bacteria are dead adding more probiotic won’t cause more die off). If, after a couple of days, that doesn’t help try 1 capsule every other day for a week, then 1 capsule per day, then after another week ramp up to 2 capsules per day (divided, 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening). You can also break open a capsule and take 1/2 per day if you wish (rather than one every other day), even a 1/4 if necessary. So if you start with one and experience a lot of die off, skip the next day and then start with half a capsule per day. It is also fine to start with 1/4 capsule per day and work your way up, this is especially recommended for children, elderly or if being at your best (what ever that is) is critical.
Here are some more things that can help:
- Drink plenty of water. Try not to drink anything that can possibly dehydrate you for the first week (e.g. alcohol, coffee, soda).
- New research indicates that LPS molecules are absorbed through the small intestine better if there is fat present, especially a saturated fat. We don’t want that; what we want is for the LPS produced in the gut to simply pass through with the stool. Therefore, if you experience die-off, including additional histamine symptoms, with Phage Complete start taking it away from food (especially high fat foods). Perhaps right before bed, or even during the night if you routinely get up. Taking it on an empty stomach is perfectly fine.
- Studies have shown the MCT oil can be protective against LPS (PubMed ID#PMC1522134 as well as this study). While corn oil (a PUFA) and saturated fats may worsen LPS induced symptoms such as inflammation and leaky gut.
- Take a Milk Thistle supplement to help support the liver and kidneys.
- Berberine – Taking a berberine supplement can suppresses the LPS-induced inflammation. This can help eliminate most of the symptoms and damage caused by LPS in gut. ⇒
- Active Charcoal supplements can help mop up LPS endotoxins. But don’t take them for more than 2-3 weeks without a break as they can interfere with mineral absorption as well, so only take if you are getting die off symptoms, ⇒ ⇒
- Due to studies showing high arsenic and lead levels, I would not recommend bentonite clay ⇒
- Get more sleep. Remember that detoxifying LPS molecules from gram-negative bacteria is a normal function of the body. It is when your body can’t keep up that you get symptoms; sleep helps our bodies function better and greatly improves detoxification of LPS.
- Epsom salt bath – it seems to help some people, but not others. It doesn’t hurt and it feels great.
- Mild exercise helps, a brisk walk is great. Don’t over do it while experiencing die off. Anything inflammatory isn’t not a good idea.
- As outlined above, take a one day break and/or reduce the dose.
Don’t worry if you do not get a Herxheimer Reaction, you are still killing unwanted bacteria and improving your microbiome. Not everyone experiences die off, in fact less than half of the people do. They can still be greatly improving their microbiome (fewer undesirable bacteria, more beneficial bacteria), but if they have gram-negative LPS endotoxin coated bacteria dying, they are able to keep up with the detoxing. Younger people generally handle detoxifying more efficiently than older people. You are also still helping to rebuild your microbiome, and that is always a good thing.
You can read a lot more on lipopolysaccharides (LPS) endotoxins in Chapter 12 of The Gut Health Protocol.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
There are no age restrictions on any of the ingredients in Phage Complete. For medical purposes it is treated like any other standard dose probiotic. However, like most supplements on the market, it has been formulated for adults. We have heard from several parents giving it to very young children (e.g. under 2), but every child is different and it is up to you to determine the suitability of food or supplement for your child.
Even though Phage Complete ingredients are perfectly safe, there are rare risks associated with die-off symptoms (toxins produced by bad bacteria dying). Here are some things I would recommend:
- The child must have been on solid foods for at least 6 months
- The child should be at least 18 months old and at least 25lbs
- Start off with a small dose, such as 1/8th of a capsule and work up or down based on a lack of any new symptoms and the child’s weight (upto 1 capsule/day >75lbs, ½ capsules for a child 50-75lbs, ¼ capsule for 25-50lbs)
- Watch for die-off symptoms and adjust the dose down if you see any.
- Do not give ANY other probiotic or fermented foods with live cultures while they are on Phage Complete
- Make sure they consume proper amounts of water for their age.
- Do not give this, or any probiotic, if the child has an immuno-deficiency condition or is being treated with any drugs that affect the immune system
- If the child has any medical condition you should ask their pediatrician if it safe for them to take a probiotic. This includes chronic diarrhea or constipation.
When in doubt, consult the child’s pediatrician.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) released from dying gram-negative bacteria (such as e.Coli) can trigger the body to release low levels of histamine. This should last about as long as die-off does, which varies from person to person, but generally 3-7 days. Just keep in mind that killing unwanted bacteria and making room for beneficial bacteria is a good thing. Since Phage Complete kills gram-negative bacteria this can temporarily cause histamine symptoms.
“The effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on histamine release from human basophils. I. Enhancement of immunologic release by LPS… lipopolysaccharide (LPS)… enhanced by an average of sixfold the response of peripheral blood basophils obtained from allergic donors to several allergens in vitro as judged by release of histamine.” —
“The potentiating effect of LPS was observed in grass pollen and dog dander allergic patients as well as in patients sensitized to E. coli or Staph, aureus bacteria… Bacteria can release histamine by immunological or nonimmunological mechanisms, and only the immunological histamine release was found to be potentiated by LPS. It is speculated that endotoxins reinforce release of histamine caused by allergens in allergic patients or by bacteria in persons sensitized to these microorganisms.” —
So getting rid of this LPS producing bacteria is important as it produces (sheds) LPS molecules 24/7; again, killing unwanted bacteria and making room for beneficial bacteria is a good thing. LPS producing bacteria might actually be one of the reasons some people suffer from histamine symptoms even when not consuming any histamine containing / liberating foods.
Taking an antihistamine, such as Zyrtec, can help with symptom relief. There is also some evidence that it works as a mast cell stabilizer, to block the histamine (your body would release) from being release in the first place. Worth a try.
Following the FAQ advice for die-off and cutting back might help.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
That can depend on a number of factors, such as how much of the matching bacteria is available to them. But in general, not very long at all.
This study on the T4 (anti-Escherichia coli (e.Coli) bacteriophage) shows that it was no longer detectable 1 week after the last oral application.
All volunteers receiving the higher phage dose showed fecal phage 1 day after exposure; this prevalence was only 50% in subjects receiving the lower phage dose. No fecal phage was detectable a week after a 2-day course of oral phage application. Oral phage application did not cause a decrease in total fecal E. coli counts. In addition, no substantial phage T4 replication on the commensal E. coli population was observed. No adverse events related to phage application were reported. Serum transaminase levels remained in the normal range, and neither T4 phage nor T4-specific antibodies were observed in the serum of the subjects at the end of the study. — PubMed ID#15980363
In addition, once the targeted bacteria are gone phages can not survive.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Probably “Yes” if your condition is related to the gut’s microbiome (the bacteria that inhabit it). Unless your doctor says otherwise, Phage Complete is appropriate for any dysbiosis (imbalance) of the microbiome.
Will it “cure” these conditions. The FDA does not allow nutritional supplement companies to use the word “cure” in conjunction with any medical condition. And now that there are prescription drugs for SIBO, it is now considered a medical condition (strange, 5 years ago most doctors said it was all in your head).
“Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is defined as the presence of an abnormally high number of coliform bacteria in the small bowel.” — PMID # PMC3752184 (Amit H. Sachdev and Mark Pimentel)
Good bacteria is also what keeps intestinal candida in check. This is why people often get intestinal candida after taking antibiotics, antibiotics kill off the good bacteria, leaving the gut wide open to a candida (or other yeast) infection. Restoring the microbiome can only help prevent this. With 70% of the immune system in the gut keeping it healthy can provide benefits to the entire body.
Phage Complete kills certain unwanted e.Coli bacteria in the gut (and we all have some). The dead cells from that bacteria contain a PREbiotic called beta glucan which preferentially feed beneficial bacteria. Normally when we consume foods with beta glucans they can consumed high up in the colon (and even small intestine). With Phage Complete beneficial bacteria get fed throughout the colon (and it helps kill this unwanted bacteria in the small intestine). This removes competing bacteria / yeast, improves the immune system, as well as providing a very strong boost for beneficial bacteria that can help kill unwanted bacteria. You can read about additional benefits of Phage Complete here.
Correcting a dysbiosis of the small intestine will go a very long way towards helping you overcome these conditions; improving the microbiome never hurts. My advice would be to read through the testimonials.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Yes, Phage Complete is gluten / soy / egg / etc free. Phage Complete only contains what is listed on the label, there are no hidden ingredients.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Because of FDA regulations, the phage complex is being marketed by the manufacturer as a PREbiotic (as the beneficial bacteria feed on the cells of the dead bacteria). The manufacturer can not make health claims about killing disease causing bacteria, so they don’t mention the names of the bacteria. Since I sell the product I can’t make those health claims either.
All I can say is the 15mg of phages in this product make one HECK of a PREbiotic!
Though I am not calling these phages a medicine, this is what one researcher said about the ability phages to multiply in the gut.
“It’s the only medicine that grows” – Ryland Young, head of the Center for Phage Technology at Texas A&M University
If you haven’t read the Bacetriophage Therapy article yet it’s a great read (even if I do say so myself).
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Maybe, especially over time.
SIBO-C is caused by methane producing “archaea”. Archaea are not bacteria, and as such they don’t respond the same way to drugs and many natural botanicals used against bacteria (antibiotics don’t really effect archaea very much at all). However, archaea are subject to competitive pressures by bacteria (which can actually release bactericides to kill competition). So improving the microbiome can naturally help keep archaea in check. In fact it is normal to have a small amount methane producing archaea in the gut, it is when they’re allowed to overgrow that it causes a problem. As with many opportunistic infections, it can over grow after taking antibiotics or getting food poisoning, when the gut is left undefended. This is when less desirable strains are allowed to flourish.
Beneficial bacteria and archaea have been competing with each other for millions of years, so bacteria can actually (actively) help keep archaea in check (through the release of peptides and bacteriocides), as well as competing for resources and space.
Archaea also feed on hydrogen. Since many unwanted and pathogenic bacteria produce hydrogen, controlling hydrogen producers can also help control archaea. Phage Complete, and The Gut Health Protocol, are great at this.
Phage Complete amplifies certain beneficial bacterial strains (such as lactobacillus strains) throughout the colon. Testing has shown increases of over 100x. Whereas most probiotics often can not even be detected in stool samples, some of the probiotic bacteria included in Phage Complete test 100x the CFUs in the stool than what was consumed. This is due to the phage complex.
However, not everyone with SIBO-C seems to benefit from this. I am currently investigating ways to improve the success rate. If Phage Complete doesn’t help your constipation, please check back often to see if there is new advice.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
For Best Results
Maybe, if you don’t have histamine intolerance (HIT/MCAD/MCAS).
However, Phage Complete amplifies the amount of beneficial bacteria throughout the colon from 10x to 100x. Most probiotics that you consume normally aren’t even measurable in the stool (several people in the Facebook group have proven this to themselves using uBiome stool testing). However, with Phage Complete the probiotics are amplified throughout the colon, providing benefits to the entire colon, this does not occur with other products.
This is a great thing! However, if you start off with a huge amount of beneficial bacteria (CFUs) then amplify that, it can get to be too much. It isn’t dangerous, in fact it will help push out unwanted bacteria, but you may get a lot more CO2 gas than usual. This gas can cause bloating and, basically, shredded, stools. Might cause some embarrassing flatulence as well.
For this reason I recommend consuming no more than 4 ounces of fermented food per day. If this amount causes you too much gas, try consuming less, or consume 2 ounces, twice per day. If you don’t get a lot of gas / bloating you can consume more. Again, this assumes you do not have histamine intolerance, if you do have one of these conditions do not consume fermented foods. It will do no harm to quit fermented foods all together if you need to. Phage Complete provides the probiotic strains that help your gut the most, and perhaps the best prebiotic on the market (phages). More probiotic bacteria simply is not necessary.
I also recommend avoiding yogurt as it is high in both histamine and d-lactate producing strains. In addition the l.acidophilus in yogurt can deconjucate bile acid. This deconjugated bile acid can cause pain and inflammation of the intestine (gastritis and enteritis).
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Phage Complete – For Best Results
This probiotic / prebiotic supplement can be taken the same as any other probiotic. However, to get the most from its unique properties this paper offers a few tips.
If your gut is currently out of balance take:
- 1 capsule per day for the first week (this helps prevent bacteria die-off symptoms)
- 1 capsule / twice per day for 7 more weeks (longer is OK). If you start to feel flu like symptoms this is caused by undesirable gram-negative bacteria dying (die off, see note below). It is fine to switch back to 1 capsule.
- 1 capsule as maintenance, immune system health and for general health. Long term use of Phage Complete has many benefits, some of which are outlined on the Benefits page online.
- If your gut seems healthy, and you want to help keep it that way, take 1 Phage Complete capsule once per day. Long term use results in long term benefits.
- More than 4 capsules per day is not known to show additional benefits.
You can reorder at You may also want to consider signing up for a subscription, it is very easy to subscribe and to unsubscribe (there is even a button to unsubscribe).
General Advice:
- Die Off – You may experience some mild die off symptoms at first (this is called a “Herxheimer Reaction”), such as gas (this is from dying bad bacteria, not from Phage Complete), mild muscle aches, even perhaps some loose stools or constipation. These symptoms should be mild and only last 2-7 days. See the FAQ regarding Die-Off (see link below). This can occur any time bad bacteria are dying and is one of the reasons you already feel bad (as bacteria die all the time, they will just die at a faster rate with this supplement). There is a video on die-off in the FAQs that can be very helpful. You can also get to it by going to click on “Phage Complete” on the top menu bar, then FAQ. Ultimately die off is a good thing, it just needs to be managed. I highly recommend reading the FAQ.
- New research shows that lipopolysaccharides (LPS, an endotoxin released by unwanted bacteria and the cause of most die-off and many of the symptoms people have) gets absorbed into the blood system faster when dietary fat is present in the gut. Therefore, if you have die-off symptoms, try taking Phage Complete right before bed on an empty stomach, or between meals.
- Avoid other probiotic supplements that may contain probiotic strains that produce histamine or d-lactic acid, especially if you have histamine intolerance or issues with d-Lactic Acid (see The Gut Health Protocol if you aren’t sure). Phage complete does not contain these potentially problematic strains. Commercial Yogurt can be high in both histamine producing and d-lactic acid producing strains, you may want to consider not consuming yogurt if you are sensitive to these conditions, especially along with Phage Complete. It is best to stop all other probiotics and fermented foods before starting Phage Complete (there is a recipe on our website on how to make yogurt using Phage Complete). Saccharomyces boulardiiis OK to take as it is a yeast-based strain that does not benefit from the amplification effect of the phages. There is no need to take other lactobacillus probiotics with PC. You may take an SBO/HSO probiotic if you wish, but it is not necessary; Phage Complete already contains a very beneficial SBO strain.
- Follow the Phage Complete mini Protocol found on in the FAQs (see the link on the back page). While healing the gut, consume no sugar, wheat, dairy (other than grass fed butter and fermented kefir) and alcohol (again, see The Gut Health Protocol for more information). Later you can try slowly adding these back.
- Avoiding lactose (from dairy) and fructose (mostly from fruit) sugars can be especially important as many people malabsorb these sugars and don’t know it (malabsorbed sugars feed bad gut bacteria). If you are sure you have neither of these issues they can be added back later, after your gut health is better, but be sure to watch for any new symptoms (such as bloating).
- The ingredients in Phage Complete have shown to confer strong benefits to the immune system. Taking with a soluble fiber supplement can help even more. A healthy immune system is vital for preventing disease.
Using Phage Complete While On “The Gut Health Protocol”
The Gut Health Protocol (TGHP) is the perfect companion to Phage Complete. Phage Complete has been formulated to “First Do No Harm” but it goes well beyond that. The probiotic strains have been specifically chosen for their gut healing benefits. I could find no other probiotic on the market that I felt was appropriate for people that their doctor couldn’t help, especially those: with chronic idiopathic gut issues, simply wanting to improve their gut health, wanting to strengthen / balance their microbiome, or who have complicating issues such as those under the Histamine Intolerance umbrella. Therefore, I had to create one.
- Phage Complete can be taken during all phases of TGHP (and with many other protocols/diets). The probiotic bacteria and phages in Phage Complete compete head-to-head with bad bacteria, thus reducing the overall bacterial load while improving the microbiome balance.
- Due to the unique nature of Phage Complete there are some things you should consider. Such as avoiding fermented foods for the first 3-4 weeks after starting Phage Complete (which can be phased in later). You will also want to reduce sugar intake during the kill phase. There is a simplified protocol designed specifically for use with Phage Complete at
- Phage Complete contains no FODMAP fibers, no maltodextrin, no histamine producing strains, and no d-lactic acid producing strains. It was designed for people with gut and issues.
- You should take Phage Complete at least 2 hours away from any kill supplements. The strains in Phage Complete have been shown to not be very sensitive to cinnamon oil, therefore taking the two together during the Healing & Repair phase should not be an issue (though you can still separate by 2 hours if you wish, just in case). If you take lactoferrin (or a prescription antiviral), try to take it at least 4-8 hours away from PC, or stop taking it, as lactoferrin has anti-viral properties.
- During the Healing and Repair phase, soluble fiber enhances the benefits of this formula. The fiber will help feed all beneficial strains; while Phage Complete will help them succeed and create a hostile environment for undesirable bacteria strains. You may find that you need to start slowly with soluble fiber and less may be needed with Phage Complete than without. See TGHP Chapter 2 for more information.
- It is recommended that you continue taking Phage Complete for at least 6 months after you feel completely better. Undesirable bacteria basically hide out, waiting until the conditions are right to bloom back. You need a strong microbiome to prevent this from happening, Phage Complete continues to help you improve your microbiome, even if you don’t notice it. After that you may want to consider a maintenance dose, as discussed in the FAQs. New research is showing many benefits from taking the probiotic strains in Phage Complete long term. My wife and I will be taking them daily for life.
See for information on the benefits of Phage Complete.
The information contained in this document is intended for educational purposes only. If you are currently taking medications, or have other health-related conditions, consult a physician before adding any new supplements to your diet.
Phage Complete ™, See for more information and ordering. All text and graphics on this page are © John Herron / The Gut Health Protocol LLC or its licensors and may not be used without express written permission. The Gut Health Protocol LLC, P.O. Box 270062, Golden Valley, MN 55427 |
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Last Modified 3/9/2021
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Yes & No.
Because of the probiotic amplifying effect, you need to make sure you are taking probiotic strains that do not encourage histamine production, created d-lactic acid, or interfere with bile acid. Especially those with a high CFU count.
Phage Complete contains only probiotic strains that do not produce these harmful or unwanted side effects and, for most people, should be the only probiotic you need.
SBO / HSO probiotic strains are usually safe to take with phages, but you should take the minimum recommended dosage.
As new research comes out, and is tested by members, I will probably be advising what specific probiotic strains work particularly well with Phage Complete for specific purposes.
The following probiotic bacterial strains should be avoided (really even if you aren’t taking Phage Complete).
Histamine Liberators / Producers:
- Lactobacillus bulgaricus
- Lactobacillus casei
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii
People with histamine intolerance should always avoid these strains, regardless of whether take phages or not.
D-Lactate (D-Lactic Acid) Producing Strains:
- Lactobacillus acidophilus (yes, found in yogurt!)
- Lactobacillus bulgaricus (also very common in yogurt)
- Lactobacillus lactis (found in buttermilk)
- Lactobacillus buchneri
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus,
- Lactobacillus jensenii
- Lactobacillus vitulinus
A couple of these strains are found in lower amounts in Kefir. Kefir contains a lot of different strains, this actually helps lower the risk of D-Lactate from these problematic strains. It is when a strain is taken at a higher CFU count in isolation that you see the most problems. Never the less, you should consume no more than 4 to 6 ounces of kefir per day while taking phages. Also watch for symptoms D-Lactate.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
The following is a simplified protocol developed to be used when taking Phage Complete (testimonials, benefits, ordering). This protocol will be less effective if not using Phage Complete.
This FAQ assumes that you have read The Gut Health Protocol and now have a good understanding of why this protocol works and what other supplements you should not be taking. Phage Complete (PC) changes what is needed for supplements as it does much of the work on its own. Because of this most people will end up taking fewer supplements, have far better results and most likely even save some money. The following will briefly cover those differences:
Chapter 1 – Kill Phase
First, and foremost, follow the instructions that came with your Phage Complete order and take your Phage Complete daily.
- Phage Complete – The recommendations on this page are meant to work with Phage Complete. The links above explain its benefits.
- Diet – A very low sugar diet is still recommended. No need for a highly carb restricted diet (though doing so is fine). Jump straight to the “Repair or Healing Phase” diet in Ch 1, Section 2 diet. Your gut is probably a mess, so avoiding grains, dairy and raw vegetables is still recommended, at least until you’ve completely healed. Well cooked, low starch vegetables are OK. Especially avoid lactose, fructose, and sugar alcohols as these often malabsorb and feed bad bacteria. If you have histamine intolerance, or think you might, you will need to be on a low histamine food diet. If you know you are currently sensitive to FODMAPs you will need to avoid those as well. For most people the diet does not need to be very complicated. If you think you have SIFO (intestinal yeast) it can still help to restrict carbohydrates. See This FAQ outlines how Phage Complete can help with SIFO. Low sugar Intermittent Fasting is the best overall diet for gut troubles (bacterial and fungal) and works very well with Phage Complete.
- Kill supplement – If you are just starting out, see the “Strategy” information at the end of Ch.1, Section 9. 100% Pure cinnamomum zeylanicum bark Cinnamon Oil is the most important kill supplement (do not take other kinds of cinnamon oil or powders. See the book for more information). Clove oil is a good 2nd choice. This helps selectively kill bacteria that Phage Complete does not and is also a biofilm disrupter. PC encourages the removal of all bad bacterial strains by improving the microbiome, strain competition, and bactericides released by beneficial bacteria. Though Phage Compete might be all you need, I recommend taking cinnamon oil anyway, it can help speed the process of re-balancing and restoring your microbiome. If you have not completed a kill phase recently take 2 drops of cinnamon oil / twice per day, at least two hours away from taking Phage Complete. After you have completed the kill phase take 1 drop / twice per day, 2 hours away from PC for two weeks. After two months (total) you can then drop cinnamon oil completely, switch to a maintenance dose, or if you like the flavor, 1 drop / day is fine. More than that and you risk interfering with your microbiome’s diversity. Cinnamon oil must be properly diluted when used internally, this FAQ provides instructions.
- Butyrate – I highly recommend a Tributyrin supplement (a form of butyrate that helps throughout the gut). It works very well with Phage Complete to help kill and out compete unwanted bacteria and helps to heal the colon. Many studies on this.
- Larch Tree Arabinogalactan Fiber and/or a Medicinal Mushroom powder – High Recommended. Take per the protocol. This helps (selectively) feed good bacteria and hinders many bad strains (see Chapter 2 in the book). (The Larch tree fiber is also available directly from Swanson). If I had to pick one it would be the mushroom powder, it both selectively feeds good bacteria and helps the immune system.
- Sleep & Exercise – Get plenty of sleep and a little exercise. This can help with die off symptoms too. Do not underestimate the power of both sleep and exercise for healing! Simple walks are all that is needed, do what you can and work up slowly.
- Do not forget to take your Phage Complete daily. It can truly help your gut as much as anything listed above. The thousands of customers and the testimonials above attest to how well it works!
Phage Complete, Cinnamon Oil and Tributyrin are all now available on the order page (all three available with US domestic and international shipping). The three of these would be an excellent start to fixing your dysbiosis. You can add a fiber and/or the mushroom powder a little later if you wish.
Optional (but often helpful):
- Fermented Foods – Do not consume any fermented foods the first week you are on Phage Complete, then introduce them slowly. PC will amplify the beneficial bacteria, and fermented foods already contain a lot. After the first week, one 4 ounce serving per day is enough; consuming more isn’t dangerous, but can cause an over abundance of CO2 gas, thus bloating and perhaps loose stools. If you continue to experience gas you should try stopping all fermented foods again to see if that helps. Phage Complete contains a good balance of probiotic bacteria, all of which help the gut in various ways. Also, avoid commercial yogurt due to both histamine and d-lactate producing bacteria strains. The L.acidophilus in yogurt can also interfere with bile acid. Yogurt is the cause of some symptoms for many people without them even knowing. Dairy kefir is OK in small amounts as it has a very large variety of strains; but it is also high in histamine. If you think you have histamine intolerance you need to avoid all fermented foods. If you have histamine intolerance you should avoid fermented foods until you get better.
- Biofilm disrupter – Optional. An enzyme based biofilm disrupter is still a good idea. But you do not need to take it for more than a month. The body will eventually get rid of biofilms on its own, but an enzyme biofilm disrupter will speed up that process and help with nutritional absorption. Cinnamon oil and probiotics (e.g. Phage Complete) also work to remove biofilms and your body is constantly at work removing them and would eventually do it on its own (however, getting rid of the biofilm sooner can help with healing). These are the ones I would recommend; Interfase , or Interfase Plus with Serralase (a very good combination but expensive).
- Lactoferrin – Optional. Due to its anti-viral qualities, Lactoferrin can interfere with bacteriophages. If you do take it do so 6-12 hours away from Phage Complete. Lactoferrin can be useful for stubborn cases as it binds to iron, preventing bad bacteria from utilizing it (while allowing you to utilize it). Lactoferrin is found in the colostrum and helps babies stay well. This can be a good supplement to add if nothing else seems to working. The one that I’ve used is Jarrow Formulas 250mg.
- Betaine HCl / Digestive Enzymes – Optional. Use as needed, per The Gut Health Protocol. Not everyone needs this. As your gut heals you’ll probably need it less.
- N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – Optional. Useful if you are on antibiotics. Can also help the liver deal with the negative consequences of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) producing bad bacteria. Can help with killing bad bacteria and preventing biofilm production. Again, most likely optional but can be useful for some people.
- Colostrum – Optional. Excellent for helping to heal the lining of the gut, also improves the immune system. If you use this purchase a good liposomal colostrum. Wait to take this until after the kill phase to get the most for your money. Once any infection is gone the body can heal itself without it. Naturally contains a little lactoferrin, so take 6-12 hours away from Phage Complete.
- Zinc Carnosine – Optional during the kill phase. See next section.
- Milk Thistle – Optional. Can really help with detox symptoms. Try to take it the first 3-4 weeks after adding PC or starting any kill phase. Taking longer is fine. Some people with histamine intolerance (MCAD/MCAS) have reported histamine reactions with some brands / batches of powdered Milk Thistle (this is the same for many dried herbs).
- Parasite Kill Supplements – Optional. Use only as needed, per The Gut Health Protocol. Take at least 2 hours away from Phage Complete
Chapter 2 – Maintenance
Continue to take your Phage Complete daily per the “For Best Results” sheet that came with your order. See the Strategy section at the end of Chapter 2 in the book for more information.
- Fermented foods – Optional. Again, limit to 4 ounces per day while on PC. If it bothers you, stop consuming it.
- Medicinal Mushroom powder – excellent for improving the immune system and selectively feeding beneficial bacteria. The one that I use is called “Sacred 7” and is available on Amazon.
- Fiber – take per book instructions. Eating good, well cooked vegetables is the best way to obtain soluble fiber. This should be a staple in your diet for the rest of your life. Some people may still have issues with FODMAP fibers, Larch Tree or PHGG fibers avoid this issue and are better at selectively feeding good bacteria. The medicinal mushroom powder above also works very well for feeding good bacteria; combine with Larch Tree fiber for maximum benefits.
- Butyrate – Excellent for helping to heal the colon, and also helps the small intestine. Take if you can afford it. Otherwise Phage Complete encourages the reestablishment of your natural microbiome. As such, within weeks of starting PC you’ll be making your own butyrate by consuming foods high in soluble fiber. Again, a Tributyrin supplement is the best form to take (and you need fewer of them for the same benefit)
- Sleep – Do not underestimate the healing powers of sleep! This is when the body heals. Try not to eat at least 4 hours before bed and try to avoid over eating. You don’t want food in your stomach or small intestine when you lay down to sleep.
- Diet – See the “Repair and Healing Phage” section of The Gut Health Diet in Chapter 1. The important point here is to avoid most sugar; especially avoid lactose, fructose, and sugar alcohols. Avoiding wheat can help anyone heal from leaky gut, even if you feel you tolerate it.
- Zinc Carnosine – The studies are pretty clear on zinc carnosine, it is a very valuable supplement for treating gut permeability (leaky gut) and for healing the intestinal wall. You shouldn’t use just any zinc, Zinc Carnosine is the one that has many research studies showing that it helps the gut far more than other forms of zinc. If you have histamine intolerance zinc carnosine may trigger histamine to be liberated from mast cells (this does not effect everyone with HIT), Zinc Orotate or Zinc Picolinate can be taken instead.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Phage Complete is guaranteed to have the bottle listed CFUs (amount of viable beneficial probiotics) for 24 months from date of manufacture (see the bottom of the bottle) if stored under normal “shelf stable” conditions. Phage Complete is stored at 65° / low humidity until shipped and has an unopened “Best Used By” date of 24 months from the manufactured date. It will last even longer if refrigerated and not as long if stored under high heat or humid conditions. Both the probiotics and phage complex are advanced freeze dried, this process has a very well proven record for assuring shelf life and for successful reanimation of the microbes. CFUs=Colony Forming Units, this is a measure of how well the probiotic bacteria will reanimate in the gut. The phage complex has also been well tested to reanimate.
Phage Complete does not have to be refrigerated once opened. But due to humidity it should be used within 3 months after opening (unless you live in a low humidity area).
Refrigeration is recommended if you live in a very warm or high humidity area without air conditioning, especially after opening the bottle.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
International ordering to many countries is now available. To many countries we are now able to ship by DHL Express. This means 2-3 business day shipping! If your order can not be shipped by DHL Express then most likely it can be shipped by US Priority Mail International (air mail). Priority Mail International shipping to most countries as 6-10 days, but this may not include the time spent in customs; this can sometimes add 7-14 days in a few countries. For international orders there is a two bottle minimum order!
You will need to know the customs and duty rules / costs in your country before ordering. You’re advised to contact your local tax agent or customs office to get an estimate of what these fees / rules might be. Once an order is placed it can not be canceled. I’m sorry, but no refunds will be issued for orders refused, confiscated, or duties assessed by customs. You can also contact us and we can provide you with an estimate for customs duties in your country (the actual costs may vary due to extra charges that some countries assess, such a “convenience fee”, but this estimate should be within 25%).
Up to 4 Bottles = 1 Shipping Charge!
(when ordered / shipped together)
Shipping Rates
$29.95 DHL Express #1 – 2-3 business day shipping: Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany#2, Greece, Greenland, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Turks and Caicos Islands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom / Great Britain, Virgin Islands (British).
- We reserve the right to ship by International Priority Mail if DHL Express rates to your address are higher than your capital city. This doesn’t happen very often but might be the case in rural areas of some countries. Or if DHL Express is not available to your address.
- Due to German rules on probiotics and supplements we are no longer accepting orders with a shipping address of Germany.
- If you wish to purchase more than 4 bottles at once please contact us for a quote. To some locations 5-8 bottles will incur no additional DHL shipping charges!
$24.95 DHL Express #1 – Canada and Mexico – (2-3 business days) to most locations.
If you have any questions please contact us before ordering. To date, we’ve had no problems shipping to the countries listed above.
$29.95 US Postal Service International Priority Mail (Air) – Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, India, Latvia, Montenegro, Netherlands Antilles, Panama, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Servia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Ukraine, Vatican City/State, Yugoslavia. Shipping is normally 7-14 days, but there are no delivery time guarantees with this service.
Free Priority Mail – United States and Territories
If you live in another country, and wish to place an order, contact us and we’ll see what we can do. Shipping rates might also be higher. Your risk of problems with custom clearance might also be higher, some countries are not included due to very high fraud reports / advisories.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Phage Complete is a shelf-stable probiotic. However, very long periods (several days to weeks) of time at temps over 90°F can shorten the remaining shelf-life. Between 90-140° it actually starts to activate the bacteria, eventually, if it stays at those temps, the bacteria run out of food (included in the capsule). It isn’t until after they run out of food that the probiotics *start* to die off. The phages will be fine through all of this.
Probiotic bacteria are designed to live in our intestine, where the temperature is 98.6°F, and the intestines of animals (where the temperatures can be even higher). One day in a hot mailbox may knock a couple of days off the food supply in the capsule, but it will otherwise be fine. If your home is very warm, and routinely gets to over 85°F , or if you plan on keeping your bottles longer than 18 months past the manufactured date, you may want to put them in the refrigerator.
Separate from their food supply, very high temperatures can kill probiotic bacteria. The four lacto & bifido probiotic strains in the formula won’t be killed until temperatures reach 60°C (140°F). Bacillus Subtilis (DE111) won’t be killed until temperatures reach over 90°C (190°F). Temperatures have to reach 70°C (158°F) to start to kill the phages. It is actually possible to reach 140°F in a ground/sea shipping container on a very hot day, if the container is left in direct sunlight. This is why I will not ship Phage Complete by slower ground/sea shipping methods.
All shipping will be by Priority Mail (Air). The shipment will go from the postal facility to the plane to postal facility or customs (so no long periods in the sun), and transit times will be far less than ground/sea shipping methods.
The post office says that normal delivery is 1-3 days for U.S. domestic shipping, and 6-10 days for international (though the order may sometimes get caught up customs). Because all of the long haul legs of the shipment go by air, I don’t expect the shipment to experience very long periods of time at very high temperatures.
The shipping from the manufacturer to me was ground shipping. Therefore I had the shipment go by refrigerated truck the whole trip (actually “chilled”, temps were 33-36°F the entire time, monitored). My storage here, while waiting for fulfillment, is completely environmentally controlled. So Phage Complete will leave here with maximum shelf life and it is guaranteed to have label potency for 18 months from the manufacture date under standard shelf conditions.
This is my long way of saying, shipping Priority Mail should present very little risk. But it is for this very reason that I am not offering a ground shipping option.
If you are still worried there is another trick you can use. Have the package delivered to your post office and pick it up there. The post office will hold your mail in their nice air conditioned building for up to 30 days. Here is how to address it (be sure to use the city/state/zipcode of the post office where you want to pickup your delivery. That zipcode is the most important):
Nicole Smith
c/o General Delivery
Miami, FL 54321
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
Ordering couldn’t be easier. Ordering is processed through PayPal, all credit card information goes through them, we never see it. You can checkout through your PayPal account, or you can just enter your credit card information. More information is provided on the ordering page.
If checking out your PayPal account, please make sure your shipping address is current / correct.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
The following are the active ingredients in Phage Complete. See the label image below for all of the ingredients and measures.
Probiotic Strains
- Lactobacillus plantarum
- DE111® (Bacillus subtilis)
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus
- Bifidobacterium longum
- Bifidobacterium bifidum
PreforPro ® – Phage Complex
- LH01 – Myoviridae
- LL5 – Siphoviridae
- T4D Myoviridae
- LL12 – Myoviridae
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
All images posted by John Herron are either "Copyrighted John Herron", or are copyrighted by someone else and are used under license. So please don’t use them elsewhere, you’ll get in trouble.